1. Introduction
Daejung AMC Co., Ltd., was spun off from Daejung Engineering Company and became one of the inter- national calibration and test institutes accredited by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 in 2002.
Our main task is clibration, quality test and maintenance of grout flow meter which measures and man- ages the status of grouting job for foundation work.
From regular checking to balidation and calibration generations, we deliver cost-effective services that cover all your critical measuring points. Our calibration facilities are traceable to national and international standards.
We will ensure quality and pride in our products and services through our positive attitude, commitment and years of experiences.
2. history
April 2002 : Established Daejung AMC Co., Ltd. (Calibration, test, service, sales)
may 2002 : Desiganted as an accredited calibration and test institute by Korean Agency for Technology and Standards is accordance with the recognized international standar ISO/IEC 17025
April 2004 : accreditation was granted to include electromanetic flow meter in addition to grout flow meter.
October 2004 : All employees combleted the professional course about the uncertainty of calibration.
May 2005 : Made agreement to use ILAC MRA logo with Korean Agency for Technology and Standards.
September 2006 : Appointed as "Clean Workplace" by Ministry of Labor and Korea occupational Safety and health Agency
June 2008 : Amended manual in accordance with the revision of ISO/IEC 17025
3. What is calibration?
1) It is the act of checking or adjustiong (by comparison with a satndard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument.
2) Accuracy can be maintained through calibration.
3) Accredited calibration institute has been introduced for this purpose.
4. Why is calibration necessary?
1) As Compmnents age and equipment undergoes changes in temperature or sustains mechanical stress, critica performance gradually degrades. When it happens, test results obtained using measurement equipment become unreliable.
2) This kind of inaccuracy can be detected and contained through the precess of calibration.
5. Who need our calibration service?
1) Those who use grout flow neter for foundation work.
2) those who use electromagnetic flow neter in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
6. Business scheme
1) Nationally accredited calibration institute Issue nationally accredited calibration certificate KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme)
- Instrument used in korea Grout flow meter and electromagnetic flow meter
2) Internationally accredited calibration institute Issue internationally accredited calibration certificate. ILAC MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Coperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement)
- Instruments to be exported and being used in overseas
- Grout flow meter and electromagnetic flow meter
3) Customer service
1 Quality test
2 Maintenance and repari service